3 Mental Habits that can Place your Life in Danger

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This post is by Bernie Carr, apartmentprepper.com

Getting out of dodge also known as bugging out is not my first choice in riding out a disaster unless there is an immediate threat or an evacuation order.  We all feel more secure in our own homes, where most of our supplies are located.  Being in familiar territory is comforting.  However, there may come a time when you have to leave due to an impending disaster, whether it’s a wildfire, a chemical spill or a long term failure in the infrastructure.

No one can predict if or when this might happen, but if something catastrophic happens we all need to be alert.  There is also such a thing as “waiting too long” and getting stuck somewhere because it is too late to leave.  Avoid being stuck by recognizing pitfalls that can keep you rooted to the spot, unable to make a decision when it counts.  bug out when you need to.

Not paying attention to surroundings

I have noticed so many people aren’t aware of what’s going on around them.  It doesn’t matter what age – from teens to senior citizens, it is an epidemic.  Just finding a parking spot at the grocery store lot becomes a challenge with so many drivers and pedestrians not paying attention.   I’ve seen people trip over sidewalks as they are glued to their smart phones watching videos, texting or taking selfies.

Half the people I talk to don’t even check the weather to see if they need might need an umbrella and are surprised when they get caught in a rainstorm.  The same people don’t watch the news, don’t care about world events, and only care about entertainment gossip.  Even if a disaster was predicted, they won’t see it coming.

Normalcy bias

Normalcy bias prevents people from recognizing that danger is near because they interpret signs in the most optimistic light.  They are unable to process in their minds that something bad can happen to them.  Things will continue to move along as they always have, and nothing can ever affect them.   By the time they realize their predicament, it is too late.

Herd mentality

This is also known as mob or pack mentality.  You see this happen all the time – people wait to see what others are doing before making any decisions.  If my peers aren’t doing anything, why should I?  On a smaller scale, some individuals may wait until their best friend, older sibling or parent does something before they even act.  In other words, they are all waiting to see what each other is doing, that nothing is done.  Even if they see the group doing something irrational or wrong, they follow along.  They will all get stuck together, then the blame game will start.

Being human, we’ve all experienced these behaviors at one time or another.  All we can do is recognize these habits so that we can avoid these pitfalls.  Our survival could depend on it.


© Apartment Prepper 2018

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  1. Herd mentality===I always think of the video I watched where a patient sat in the waiting room and another patient entered. A ding would sound and the first patient would stand…the second patient followed her lead…and every patient entering did the same.
    Even when the first patient left, all followers stood.
    I’m a Tennessee girl–and ya’ll know I’d have been laughing my butt off at this behavior.

    1. Hi JJ, I see it a lot. I either sit or park the car far from others on purpose, next thing I know someone has followed my lead and will sit or park next to me when they have the entire space to choose from! LOL you are funny 😀

  2. In a lot of post-apocalyptic fiction, the LACK of Normalcy Bias among the populace usually stands out to me as “off.” In a lot of novels, the public freak out and do bizarre and desperate things only a couple days into a crisis.

    From the ‘events’ I’ve been in, (or studied) it seems like a sizable majority of people have Normalcy Bias. Most people wait. They wait to make extra extra sure they need to deviate from their expected routine. Or, they wait for someone else to ‘fix things.’

    1. Hi Mic, I agree, a lot of characters in apocalyptic fiction somehow know what to do right away, but in reality most people would rather wait or others to act. Most people don’t want to upset the daily routine. Thanks for the comment!

  3. I see this when riding motorcycles in a group. People riding way over their skill level to keep up with the group. I was never sucked in to this I always rode at the level I felt safe. And would not be sucked in to doing dangerous things.

    1. Hi oldguy, Riding a motorcycle over one’s skill level to keep up with the “herd” is certainly a dangerous behavior. Glad you stay on the safe side. Thanks for the comment!

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