5 Earthquake Preparedness Tips to Protect Your Home

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This post is by Bernie Carr, apartmentprepper.com

I did not feel the July 4th earthquake but I sure felt the one on Friday night, July 6th.  We were not in the immediate area but were close enough to feel it.  This experience reminds us that preparedness is not something we should set aside as disasters can happen at any time.  Don’t wait until another one catch you unaware – try doing these five things right away for your safety and peace of mind.

Earthquake Preparedness: Tips for Protecting Your Home

This article first appeared in The Allstate Blog

Earthquakes typically occur without warning, so there’s no time like the present to help make sure your home is safe. Consider these precautions to help protect yourself and your belongings before an earthquake happens.

Scan Your Home for Potential Hazards

Household items can be shaken loose or fall during an earthquake. Make sure heavy items like mirrors or wall art are not hung directly above a bed or couch, according to the American Red Cross. With that in mind, go room by room and take stock of any objects that might fall if they are jostled by an earthquake. Consider moving these pieces away from where someone could be sleeping or sitting.

Store Items Safely

Consider moving heavy, fragile items such as china and glassware to lower shelves or cabinets closer to the floor, says the Red Cross. You may also want to use bolts or latches on drawers and cabinets to help keep them closed, adds the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Keep Furniture and Appliances Secure

Some top-heavy furniture like a bookcase or even a TV stand should be anchored to wall studs, according to the Red Cross. If you’re not comfortable bolting the furniture yourself, consider bringing in a professional. The Red Cross also notes you can hire a professional to help you secure appliances like a water heater, too.

Stock an Emergency Kit

Before an earthquake occurs, consider building an emergency kit for you and your family. This kit should include at least three days’ worth of food and water, a whistle, a flashlight and a fire extinguisher, says Ready.gov. Remember, you want to customize your kit to your family’s specific needs. If you have a pet, make sure to also include items for your furry friend like their food, water, carrier and leash.

Know How to Shut Off Utilities

It’s important to know how to shut off the utilities to your home in case of an emergency. The Red Cross suggests having a wrench handy in order to turn off the utilities after an earthquake occurs to help prevent gas leaks or electrical sparks from igniting items in your home. If you’re not sure how or where to shut off your utilities, contact your utility company or speak to a professional.

Taking the proper precautions now may help protect you and your home in the event of an earthquake.

For more tips on preparing for an earthquake, see Fast Tips to Prepare for an Earthquake


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Image by Angelo Giordano from Pixabay


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  1. Make sure you store your emergence bag very close to a exit so you can retrieve it with out going all the way in to a damage building. I would use backpack in a “rubber-made” style container. That way you will also have the container that can be used. I would add a “crescent” wrench or a utilities wrench so I could shutoff the gas and water if needed. I would include a collapsible water container that you could refill at a aid station. be sure to include a manual can opener.

    1. Hi Oldguy, Those are really good reminders. Definitely the tools to shutoff the gas and water are ones that a lot of people leave out of the survival kit. Thanks for the comment.

  2. I was surprised when I talked to a young couple at my apartment building and was told that hey do not have any bottled water stored away. So I would assume that they have zero preparation for any emergence. I do know that the tent camp so the will have some equipment. They way I found out was I ask if they want the3 cases of bottled water I have when I move out in a few months. As my move will be 4 states away I am not planning on taking the 3 case of water. They did decide that they will take one of them.

    1. Hi Oldguy, That was good of you to offer the couple your cases of water, surprised they only wanted one case. I really hope more people take preparedness seriously. Good luck on your upcoming move.

  3. Great idea! I agree they need a plan. Also maybe a bug out bag for each dog and practice, for whereof their BoB and handling situations outside the norn

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