Hi! I’m Bernie Carr. My husband and I became interested in preparing for emergencies after Hurricane Ike hit our city of Houston. As a wife and mother, I feel very concerned about the uncertain times that we are facing in our country. I want to feel more secure and in control, since I feel we should not rely on the government to help us in any emergency.
Many preparedness sites that I have read gave me good information but much of it is geared toward people who own their homes or have a retreat. While we would love to have a rural retreat, that is just not feasible for us yet. So I needed to do something in order to feel more productive. There are some steps we can take now to become better prepared and self sufficient, while living in an apartment in a large city. I am writing this blog to help not only myself but others who are in the same situation and want to have more control.
Though I am interested in preparing for emergencies and disasters, whether natural or man made, this site is not all about doom and gloom. I believe in being prepared for most everyday life emergencies that are more likely to happen such as unemployment, illness, crime, etc.
I share new things as I learn and try them, in case others out there in a similar situation may have some interest. I post two to three times weekly, sometimes more as time permits.
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Disclaimer: This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me I am not a survival, or emergency expert, I created this blog to chronicle my own preparedness experiences, including both successes and failures. Guest posts are accepted on occasion. Views expressed in comments, linked articles, or blogs do not necessarily represent my own.
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Any information given by me in my blog is not to be taken as personal, legal or financial advise, and do not represent anyone else views. Please conduct your own research before making your decisions.
Surprisingly, when I read the Living on Wheat book it contained a lot more info than just flour, it even had a section on sprouting, corn and other grains. I was amazed at all the extra content I did not expect. Definitely a good idea to stock up on those other grains, esp if allergies are an issue. Having other allergies myself I have to stock up on Benadryl, Zyrtec, Claritin to keep on hand for allergy attacks. Thanks for the comment.
With allergies a theraputic grade lavender oil works very well for most people. It’s actually excellent!!! for burns as well. It never expires. Get a good grade and try it. Heritage oils, young living and doTerra are all good brands. The oil can be put into a gel capsule and taken internally if it’s theraputic grade.
If you are going to store grains, beans ,invest in a wheat grinder, or my personal favorite a “Bendtec” food processor. The Blendtec, has SO many function . Grinds wheat, beans, makes soup, I even made a pie crust with it.
Is there a particular 12 gauge that you prefer? Will need to add sling shot to the list. Thanks for these ideas!
No problem, well the most common I have seen people say they like for defense and survival reason is numerous Mosberg models, but you can get really good ones at more affordable at places like Wal-Mart. The only thing I can suggest is maybe ya get one with both slug and shot barrell and also with interchang parts like one where you can change parts on it to like the grip and stock. Also for home defense reasons try to get one with no more than a 18″ barrell too. Also get a pump action too because even though they are good, but the gas powered semi-autos do have a tendacy to jam up sometimes.
Thanks for the reply Deafkwondo! Much appreciated.
No problem, anything I can do to help, but I am also new at apartment prepping though because most of my life I always have lived out in the country. So living in a small city in a apartment is kinda new to me lol.
Hi, thanks for the reply.
I didn’t know rice and stuff would do well in this temprature, some people told me it was to warm.
I can get a big load of 20 litre food grade buckets with top. I will get 30 of them and try to start packing stuff. I’m thinking of stockpilling the things I think I need and hide them behind a fake wall that can be wrecked if needed.
Also I’m stocking up some crosbows with extra parts, for defense, guns aren’t legal to keep here.
Looking forward to the article!
Please refer to https://apartmentprepper.com/?p=599 when you are ready to start repacking your bulk storage food. P.S. oxygen absorbers are not needed for sugar, as it will harden as a brick. But you should store as airtight as possible in the mylar bags.
Thank you! I will look forward to reading that post. You have provided useful ideas.