Guest Posting Policy

GUEST POSTS are on hold at the present time as we have a sufficient number of guest articles.

We will announce on this page once we are ready to accept them again. When the site reopens for guest posts, below is a list of our guest posting rules:

1. We do not compensate for guest posts but we include 1-2 links to your website in your bio.

2. We always give full credit to the author, but contributed guest posts become the property of Apartment Prepper blog.

3. Advertising or text links must not appear in the article or bio.

4. We accept only unique, original content.

5. Please provide an author bio.

6. Articles should be around 500 words and above.

7. Article must be relevant to the blog’s subject matter.  We do not accept politically motivated articles.

Contact us with any questions, or send article ideas ONLY IF YOU AGREE with the above provisions.  For additional information, please contact me at my email address: bernie(at)

Submission of an article does not guarantee that your article will be posted. Site owner retains the right to decide on which articles are acceptable for posting.

Thank you for your interest!