How Do You Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day?

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This post is by Bernie Carr,

Today is Martin Luther King Day and our thoughts turn to the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.   I wanted to focus on what Dr. King once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?”

Unlike other holidays, the MLK holiday is celebrated as a day of service.  Besides being a day off in the middle of January, it is a time to remember Dr. King’s dream for all people and his life of service.

What’s this got to do with preparedness?

Well, negative publicity and comments in the media have implied that the preparedness community is selfish and only looks out for itself. This idea that prepared people don’t care about others is far from the truth.   Many preparedness and survival experts recommend setting aside some of one’s own supplies to give to others who may be in need.  Giving should be done without fanfare, and anonymously, but it is giving nonetheless.  Many preppers who have stockpiles choose to donate to to food banks and other charities and share the bounty.

Other preppers get involved in groups that help their communities be more prepared, or actually get involved in disaster relief efforts.

You don’t need money to help out

Many individuals choose to give of their time and knowledge by showing others how to be more self-sufficient and prepared for the next disaster.   Free information on how to prepare for disasters or acquire skills is freely given.  You don’t need to spend money to be charitable.  Just the simple act of showing someone who is willing to learn how to do things is helpful enough.

Other ways to commemorate MLK Day

Learn about Dr. King’s life

Although libraries may be closed, you can still learn about Dr. King’s life online.

Teach kids about MLK’s life

Attend events for children – check your community calendar or read books about Dr. King.

While you’re learning about his life, have a discussion about tolerance.

Help out a neighbor or friend

Volunteering does not always have to be helping strangers. You can help out someone in your vicinity:

  • Offer to pick up groceries for someone in your building who is home-bound
  • Offer to walk your elderly neighbor’s dog

Volunteer year-round

Help out all year, not just today – find a service opportunity near you via the search feature in the National and Community Service site.  You just enter your zip code and the distance you are willing to drive and hit enter.  The site gives a lot of choices. I found several ideas including park clean-up days, making cards for military gift baskets, elementary school grounds clean-up etc.

As we remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy, let’s consider using this day to do some something for others.  To everyone out there doing service to others, not just today, but everyday:  thank you and please keep up your great work.


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