It’s Going to be an Active Hurricane Season: Get Prepared Now

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Written by Bernie Carr

Hurricane season begins June 1st, and lasts until November 30th, with the peak between August and October.  This year is predicted to be an active hurricane season: you need to get prepared now. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts:

  • 17 to 25 named storms (winds of 39 mph or higher)
  • 8 to 13 of said storms are projected to strengthen to hurricane status (winds of 74 mph or higher)
  • 4 to 7 are predicted to form major hurricanes (category 3, 4 or 5; with winds of 111 mph or higher). 

As long time readers know, I started this blog soon after I experienced Hurricane Ike, when I got caught up in long lines at the grocery and gas station, the day before the hurricane hit.  I never want to experience that madhouse again, with wall to wall people racing against each other to grab the last case of bottled water or toilet paper.

Now is the time to get your apartment ready, before the first hurricane watch is issued.

Hurricane Watch vs Hurricane Warning

What is the difference between a hurricane watch and hurricane warning? With a hurricane watch, you have a bit more time to prepare- a watch is issued when the storm is predicted to arrive within 36 hours.  By the time the hurricane warning is issued, you will be fighting for supplies:  hurricane warnings are issued within 24 hours of a the storm’s arrival.

Easy Steps to Prepare

Emergency Kit

Most people already have a number of supplies lying around their house.  The key is to gather them up and make your kit.  Include at least a week’s day supply of the following:

  1. water (one gallon per person per day)  and a way to purify water
  2. food – Include food that is easy to prepare in case you lose power.  Don’t forget comfort food such as chocolate, chips, tea and coffee; special needs foods such as baby formula and food
  3. disposable eating utensils so you don’t need to wash dishes
  4. lighting – plenty of flashlights, batteries, lanterns
  5. cooking backup such as a propane stove
  6. battery powered or crank radio
  7. cash for when debit or credit cards are not working
  8. clean clothes (Wash clothes before the storm hits)
  9. hygiene and personal care items, toilet paper
  10. trash bags
  11. first aid, including prescriptions
  12. pet food and supplies- assemble your pet emergency kit
  13. entertainment that does not require electricity
  14. basic tools in case of minor repairs, duct tape, rope, plastic tarp

If you are planning to buy a generator, set it up now, or hire an electrician to do it as it takes time to get it ready to use.

Or purchase a portable power station that requires very little setup-just read the instructions and test it beforehand so you know what to do.

Emergency Plans

  • If you have leaky windows or any other maintenance issues, get your landlord to fix them now, before the problem gets worse.  Also report any overgrown trees or branches that could fall on your unit so the gardeners can trim them.
  • As soon as you know a hurricane is predicted in your area, clean and fill your bathtub with water. We used a bathtub water storage container in order to save a large amount of water in a fairly short time to prepare for a hurricane. If you don’t end up using it, just use it for cleaning. Better to have it in case you need it.
  • Decide ahead of time what you will do in case you have to evacuate.
  • Plan your route out of the city.
  • Create your emergency texting tree and designate your out of state emergency contacts.
  • Make sure your mobile phone is charged. We keep several portable phone power banks charged up as well.
  • Create your important documents binder.
  • Fill up your gas tank – if the hurricane does hit, gas deliveries are interrupted and many gas stations close. The lines are going to be long at the gas stations that do have gas after the hurricane is over.

Financial Issues

  • Make sure you have renter’s insurance and review your coverage. Many apartments do require it upon move-in, but some don’t. A lot of younger renters neglect to purchase renter’s insurance or let the coverage lapse. Review your coverage now, before a hurricane happens.
  • Read your lease and find out what provisions cover hurricane damage just in case. Find out what the landlord is responsible for fixing if anything happens.
  • Make a home inventory, including photos or videotape of your possessions.
  • Have extra cash in case you need to stay in a hotel.

Don’t wait until a hurricane is coming close, that’s when shelves get emptied and everyone starts panic buying.  Fortunately, hurricanes are predictable and there is still time to prepare.

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About the author

Bernie Carr is the founder of Apartment Prepper. She has written several books including the best-selling Prepper’s Pocket Guide, Jake and Miller’s Big Adventure, The Penny-Pinching Prepper and How to Prepare for Most Emergencies on a $50 a Month Budget. Bernie’s latest e-book, FRUGAL DIY has just been released on Amazon. Her work appears in sites such as the Allstate Blog and, as well as print magazines such as Backwoods Survival Guide and Prepper Survival Guide. She has been featured in national publications such as Fox Business and Popular Mechanics. Learn more about Bernie here.







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