Money Mondays: 5 Ways Your Public Library Can Help You Save Money

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This post is by Bernie Carr,

I have to admit I had not visited our local public library for several months. I went to the library a few days ago and I was surprised at the new services that were recently added. I liked it so much I spent the entire afternoon perusing everything.

The library can save you money in a lot of ways, besides just borrowing books or reading magazines.

Learn a Skill

Sometimes, it’s better to learn skills in person, instead of trying to learn online. I learned how to crochet from a neighborhood group. Our local library now hosts crafting groups as well as language classes. You can learn a new skill such as knitting, crocheting, practice speaking Spanish, learn how play the guitar or polish your writing skills. I was impressed at the variety of skills you can learn for free at the library.

Try out New Music

Are you interested in listening to some music but not sure if you like it enough to pay for the album?  Then check out some music from the library. You can try listening to different genres of music and find out what you like before spending money.

Children’s Activities

The library has many activities geared for kids – daily storytime, contests, even occasional parties. You’ll help cultivate a love for books and learning.


Fitness is an important aspect of being prepared. Our library now hosts Pilates and other exercise classes. If you don’t have the time to show up for classes, you can check out exercise videos or borrow them online.


If you missed watching certain movies or want to introduce your kids to some movie classics, the library is a great source. Borrow DVDs or download movies for free. Since you don’t have to return it right away, you can watch the movie at your leisure.

Final Tips

  • If you happen to find books or movies that are checked out or are only available in another library location that’s far from you, place an inter-library hold on the items. Your local library staff will obtain the copy for you. As soon as a copy becomes available, you’ll get a call and all you have to do is pick it up.
  • Save time and renew your items online. Our library allows two online renewals before you actually have to go back in person.
  • Check the library calendar online and choose the activities that interest you.

If you’re like me and you haven’t visited your library in a long time, you may be in for a nice surprise. You may even save some money. If you have some tips about the library, please share in the comments!


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About the author

Bernie Carr is the founder of Apartment Prepper. She has written several books including the best-selling Prepper’s Pocket Guide, Jake and Miller’s Big Adventure, The Penny-Pinching Prepper and How to Prepare for Most Emergencies on a $50 a Month Budget. Bernie’s latest e-book, FRUGAL DIY has just been released on Amazon. Her work appears in sites such as the Allstate Blog and, as well as print magazines such as Backwoods Survival Guide and Prepper Survival Guide. She has been featured in national publications such as Fox Business and Popular Mechanics. Learn more about Bernie here.











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  1. Drat, hit the wrong button.

    Inter library loan may involve a small postage fee so ask when you place your request. We charge $1 per item at the library I work for.

    1. Good tip! Did not realize some libraries charge a small fee for inter library loan. That’s not a bad deal for the convenience. Thanks again.

  2. Ask your librarian if they offer online classes. Our county library offers access to which is a training site. The library also covers the cost for patrons to get certifications in things like Microsoft Office programs and IT classes that can actually help you get a job. Some of them get a little uneasy if asked about “prepping” stuff, but if you phrase it that you want to lean an old-time skill, they really excited to find you a resource. A lot of them where I’m at also have career and job-finding oriented classes on ow to use the internet, and for the trouble of signing up for a library card you can get on the internet free for a half hour at a time to job hunt or just learn new things. Best use of our tax dollars I’ve seen.

    1. Hi Aunt Mary, Oh wow, even online classes! Yes, they would not call it prepping classes, but skills are skills so this is an excellent way to learn. Thanks for the comment!

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