Everything You Need to Know About Being a Prepper in College

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Written by Mary Walton

Being a prepper means that you’re prepared for anything that could happen. Whether it’s the increase in terrorist attacks, natural disasters or any form of event that could take place at any time. However, being at home and being in college, potentially in a new place very far from your home are completely different things.

So, to get you started in the world of prepping while being at college here’s everything you need to know.

Food & Water

If disaster strikes, there are two things that you’re going need as an essential. That’s food and water. Whether there’s an earthquake or a hurricane, you could be stuck in a location without power for some time. With this in mind, you’re going to need a substantial amount of food and water to tide you over.

As a rule of thumb, it’s recommended by leading preppers that you store around two large cases of water, five portable jugs of water, a water filter and about a month’s worth of food that won’t expire for a long period of time, such as canned foods. This will ensure that you’ve got more than enough to survive.
Michael Alaimo, a college tutor who works with Academized and Ox Essays, continues, “Edible food and drinkable water is all the fuel that you’ll need to power your body. Make sure you opt for healthy food that is full of vitamins and minerals that will ensure that your body is working to the best of its abilities when you need it too.”

Looking After Yourself

When SHTF, you’re going to want to look after yourself as some people will get very aggressive or you may find yourself caught up in a violent situation. For this, you may want to consider taking martial arts classes, or another form of self-defense.

However, when prepping for college, it may cross your mind to bring in tools that will help, such as mace, knives and pepper spray. However, you’ll need to check the rules of your college since some of these items may be restricted and could see you thrown off your course.

Looking After Yourself: Part Two

Looking after yourself physically isn’t the only thing that you’ll want to be aware of.  You’ll also want to consider other supplies that can help you care for yourself, such as first aid supplies. You can stock up on these to ensure that you have them should the time arrive.

Included with your first aid supplies, you should pack bandages, IBS treatments, antibacterial solution, cold relief, hot water bottle, reusable ice packs and pain relief drugs. This way you’ll be prepared for whatever lay around the corner.

Ross Harrison, an educator for Elite Assignment Help, states, “Looking after your personal well-being is one of the most important aspects of being a prepper. If you’re to cut yourself or find yourself in need of medical treatment, things can only get worse, for example, a cut getting infected. The better you can look after yourself, the better off you’ll be.”

Other Misc Items

The list of things you could store could go on and on and on. However, there are a few miscellaneous items you should keep in your storage area to make sure that you’ve covered all the bases. Some of these miscellaneous items can include candles and lighters/matches for starting a fire to keep warm or for lighting your way during power outages.

You may also want to include an up-to-date map of your local college area as well as a compass so you can easier navigate. On this map, especially if it’s a multi-state map, you might want to list your route home so you can find it without thinking.

Packing Securely

It’s a very wise idea to keep your prepper mindset low key while you’re at college. Of course, you might meet like-minded people, or you may meet people that will find it silly and laugh at you. It doesn’t matter either way. With all this aside, if something was to happen, and these people know that you’ve got supplies, you’re putting your own safety at risk. Hide your supplies up and keep them quiet for the best operational security.


About the Author

Mary Walton is a tutor at Big Assignments, writing service for Australian students. Also, she is a proofreader at Essay Writing Services and helps with content management at UKTopWriters, websites that review online educational sites on academic writing.

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  1. Thank you for posting this article. Even though my daughter isn’t a true prepper (yet..) I want her to read this. Her campus is pretty low key, no crazy protests/riots, but you never know!! I was proud of her though when she saw a survival class being offered (one time thing) and she signed up! I’m rubbing off on her finally.

    1. Hi CrazeeMomma4, I am glad you found this helpful!. I have noticed my prepared ways have rubbed off on my older daughter, she now carries a first aid kit in her car for allergic reactions, as well as pepper spray when she is out and about.

  2. Totally understand your direction on the article – but mention of a detailed plan and prep for a bug out to “home” should be mentioned – even short term survival would be hard in a college resources only scenario …..

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