Written by Bernie Carr
Want to know how to live frugally without sacrificing quality or convenience? Read this article to learn about some great ways to save money in your apartment.
Living in an apartment can be challenging, especially when you’re trying to keep costs down. But there are many ways to cut back on expenses while still enjoying a comfortable lifestyle. This article will give you some ideas for saving money on food, utilities, and other essentials.
Use your apartment gym
Most of the apartments I’ve lived in have on-site gyms as part of the amenities. Most gyms have weight sets, stationary bikes, treadmills and weight machines. I canceled my monthly gym membership and opted to start using the apartment gym. Some might even offer a yoga or cardio class. Check out other ways to get fit with very little money.
Replace the light bulbs (keep the old ones for when you move)
Apartments often come with light fixtures complete with light bulbs. But the light bulbs are more often than not old light bulbs that are not energy saving. I always replace the existing light bulbs with my own LED bulbs to save on electricity. I keep the old light bulbs in a box on the top shelf of a closet. I replace the bulbs before I move and keep my LED bulbs for my next unit. One set of LED bulbs have lasted for years.
Change the direction of your ceiling fans
Save money on energy by changing the direction of your ceiling fan’s rotation. Every ceiling fan has a switch that can change the fan’s rotation either clockwise or counter clockwise.
In the summer, set your ceiling fan’s direction clockwise. This will push the cool air from the air conditioner down toward you.
In the winter, set your ceiling fan to go counterclockwise. Cold air travels down; setting the fan to run counterclockwise will pull the cold air up to the ceiling, sending the warmer air down.
Install a new showerhead
Most of the time the standard showerheads installed in apartment units are functional but unsatisfying. Shop for a new showerhead for your apartment bathroom that is high pressure and water saving. You’ll get a more relaxing shower and save on energy bills. Keep the old showerhead so you can restore in when you are ready to move.
Invest in money saving tools
Sure there might be an initial cost when buying these tools or gadgets, but they will save you money in the long run:
Water Filter
Don’t keep buying bottled water. Instead, use a water filter with your tap water. I use my Berkey Light purifier on a daily basis. After a few months, it will pay for itself in terms of money saved from buying bottled water.
Coffee Maker
As someone who loves a good cup of coffee, used to go to Starbucks or Dunkin for my daily fix. But the prices have been rising lately, not to mention the calories from those Frapuccinos. Instead, I brew my own coffee at home. I was happy with my Ninja coffee maker, until I moved and needed to save counter space. I now use a kettle and a pour over coffee pitcher with a reusable coffee filter, which saves even more.
Rechargeable batteries and battery charger
Rechargeable batteries may cost a bit up front, but they are worth it because you can use them over and over as long as you have a battery charger.
Produce freshness extender
With the price of food increasing at a face pace, we should avoid wasting produce. I’ve been guilty of buying fruits and vegetables and failing to use them right away. When I’m finally ready to use them in a recipe, I find the vegetables have wilted. Try this produce freshness extender to help you avoid waste.
Soda Stream
If you like carbonated drinks, a Soda Stream can help you save money. The C02 canisters last about four months- I keep two at home. After the initial cost, the canisters can be traded in for refills. Once they run empty, I take them to Walmart to trade in for refilled canisters which cost less than new ones.
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About the author
Bernie Carr is the founder of Apartment Prepper. She has written several books including the best-selling Prepper’s Pocket Guide, Jake and Miller’s Big Adventure, The Penny-Pinching Prepper and How to Prepare for Most Emergencies on a $50 a Month Budget. Bernie’s latest e-book, FRUGAL DIY has just been released on Amazon. Her work appears in sites such as the Allstate Blog and Clark.com, as well as print magazines such as Backwoods Survival Guide and Prepper Survival Guide. She has been featured in national publications such as Fox Business and Popular Mechanics. Learn more about Bernie here.
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Photo by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash