Survivor Max – Book Review

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This post is by Bernie Carr,

I just finished reading Survivor Max:  Too Smart to Die by Davi Barker.  The story starts out when Max, an 11 year old boy, finds himself in a school lockdown.  He escapes and runs home, only to find that his father who was researching the disease, has already fallen victim to the “plague.”  His apartment complex is overrun with the infected who feed on humans, whom he calls “lamebrains.”  Max must use his wits to to survive, using his Porcupine Freedom Scouts training, knowledge of science and scavenged supplies.

The story is very fast paced, and once you start, is very hard to put down.  Max is a very capable and likeable character.   The story is fast paced and enjoyable to read.  Max does seem a lot older than his 11 years – he knew a lot more than your average middle school child, but this did not detract from the story.

I also liked that Max lived in an apartment complex and the book showed how quickly things can get much worse in a multi-family dwelling.  Max does a good job gathering his resources and rigging up contraptions to foil the “lamebrains” and escape.  The story imparts a great lesson that having skills and a preparedness mindset are essential to survival.  I think the book would be enjoyable for both younger (age 9 and up) and older readers.  I recommend Survivor Max as a fun summer read.

Now for the giveaway…

To enter, please answer the following question in the Comments below:

What is your favorite zombie book, show or movie, and why?

The winner* will be chosen at a random “Pick a Giveaway Winner” drawing on Friday,  June 20th at 8 pm Central.  *Winner will be notified via email.  Winner must reply to email notification within 48 hours or another winner will be drawn.


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  1. I really loved World War Z the BOOK. It was a collection of stories of people who survived in many different situations. People from all countries and all types of life and what they had to do to get through it. Its a great read.

  2. As a long-time fan of zombie fiction and reader of many zombie novels, I’d have to say World War Z is my favorite zombie novel. It’s not just your average zombie book; it delves into (very realistically might I add) geopolitical and socioeconomic reasons why what started as an isolated biological phenomenon soon became a worldwide disaster. The government ineptitude in the face of emergency illustrated in the novel parallels (albeit on a much larger scale) real events such as the response to Hurricane Katrina and reinforces the reasons why one should strive for self-sufficiency.

  3. I was gonna say WWZ but Tracy beat me to it :). I think I’ll have to say Zombieland then, has a good amount of humor in it, but good a moral to the story and I especially love the rules, rule #2 Double Tap,

  4. My favorite is I am Legend with Will Smith. It showed how one person could create a world to live in when everything goes away.

  5. My favorite zombie movie is zombie land, because it shows how people could have so much fun after the world goes to h*** in a zombie heartbeat.

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