12 Unexpected Foods You Can Actually Freeze

My daughter and I were talking about ways to avoid food waste and one of the ways she started saving foods is by freezing. Surprisingly, when I started researching the subject, there was a lot of contradictory information about foods you should and should not freeze. For example, a lot of sites warn against freezing apples, but I have actually successfully frozen apple slices.

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Is Wasp Spray Good for Self-Defense?

I’ve come across several articles that recommends using wasp spray for self-defense, not just as a improvised weapon when you have nothing else, but actually going out and buying a bottle of wasp spray and keeping it for self defense. Proponents point out that wasp spray is readily available, inexpensive, has a range of 20 feet and can be used to temporarily blind an attacker. We need to talk about this.

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