For much of 2020, I was in a constant state of anxiety and worry, and it has not let up in 2021. During these days of high inflation, job insecurity and pandemic uncertainty, people are looking for ways to feel more secure and in control. I found that making my own household goods I previous bought at the store allowed me to feel less stressed as I felt I can manage to make more even if I ran out.

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12 Unexpected Foods You Can Actually Freeze

My daughter and I were talking about ways to avoid food waste and one of the ways she started saving foods is by freezing. Surprisingly, when I started researching the subject, there was a lot of contradictory information about foods you should and should not freeze. For example, a lot of sites warn against freezing apples, but I have actually successfully frozen apple slices.

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Apartment Life and Micro Farming

The ideal prepper’s retreat would be a 40+ acre ranch/orchard out in the middle of nowhere. Unfortunately, in life the ideal rarely happens. For many of us, living in an apartment is our only option at the moment, whether that be due to work, family, or whatever. And though at first glance it would seem that those who live in apartments will never be able to produce their own food, that is simply not true.

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