Having a means to defend yourself in the event of a disaster or collapse where your life or family’s lives are being threatened is something you must consider. We have discussed many options such as taser, pepper spray, survival shotgun in previous articles. Today we will discuss guns for apartment defense.
Best Gun for Apartment Defense
Written by Roy, Hunter and Survivalist
Defending yourself is even better when you have a gun in the house. We will share some of the best guns for apartment defense you can buy today.
Most people take their home security as something serious each time they are in the house at night or leave for work. It is the reason you get to find most of the people having amazing security systems installed to protect the home from burglars and thieves. Some people are now employing the use of guns as part of defending themselves. It would feel that you are more protected when you have a gun in the house to protect yourself in the case of anything.
With many options available today, you would want to know which would be the one to choose. Below we get to discuss some of the best models you can choose today.
Mossberg 500/590

There is no doubt that the shotgun is going to be one of the most popular types of guns you can get on the market right now. People would end up using them for home defense and other activities. The shotgun is great for being reliable and can quite be devastating to the burglar when shot at close range. The sound alone from the shotgun is often enough to scare the intruder from coming closer to the house. The shotguns are affordable and the same goes for the ammunition too. This should allow for practicing with the firearm more often to sharpen your skills.
The recoil also from a 20-gauge shotgun significantly lower so that you can easily use the gun.
Glock 17/19

This is another great gun you could use for home defense. The 9mm duty pistol should work well as it comes packing lots of rounds and a moderate recoil. With the cheap availability of the ammo, you should have enough ammo to train yourself on how to use the gun with ease. You should not feel limited to just the Glock, you can check out other types of pistols available on the market.
You will find many people feeling comfortable with the Glock thanks to its design. The gun is easy to control so that you can be a better shooter with it. You can easily field strip the gun in a few minutes and put it back together as compared to the other models. The Glock still comes with several accessories, which you can get for less money as compared to the other pistol types.
The AR-15

With the increasing number of home invasions, you can get more people looking to get the AR-15 as their weapon of defense. If you have multiple intruders in your house, you want something more powerful. This calls for having a semiautomatic rifle such as this one.
The shotguns will have a low capacity and the pistol would mean that you are outgunned. Having the AR-15 rifle is a great option as you get to have a better capacity and a longer range. This rifle also gives you better velocity as compared to the handgun. Do not worry about the budget as the rifle is often cheaper and you can get it with impressive quality from different manufacturers.
Ruger GP100 and Smith & Wesson 686

The revolvers are also quite great when it comes to home defense. As much as reloading would take more time, there are several advantages that come with the revolvers. The revolvers are seen as simple and reliable when it comes to their operation. You do not have to worry the complexity of the semi-automatic as this one is simple to use. If you are also inexperienced with the guns, you should easily get to handle the gun.
You can always opt for the .357 magnum round. This type of round is known to be very powerful. It has gained the reputation for being the man stopper, as it will stop the invader in his tracks. The Ruger GP100 is a great model to use, as it will absorb the recoil better when compared to other models available.
The GP100 is also cheaper and durable to give you the performance that you need over the years.
Taurus Judge

This revolver has earned the name of a shotgun pistol. This means that you get an impressive revolver with a great stopping power of a shotgun. You can have a great defense weapon that will easily keep the invaders away. The gun is further inexpensive so that you can afford a decent weapon when it comes to defending yourself. The gun is also designed to be versatile so that shooting is faster and easier for you.
You now know more about the best type of guns to buy today for home defense. You should also make sure that you take prior training to using a gun before you can own one. You also have to make sure the gun is stored properly so that there are no accidental shootings.
Author Bio
Roy, Hunter and Survivalist
Thanks for stopping by to learn more about hunting and surviving in the wilderness. I am a dedicated and a full time survival author, editor and blog writer on hunting. Keep on reading my articles and blogs to get the useful tips and guides important for outdoor survival and hunting. Come back more often to my website to update yourself on the best new hunting and survival tips.
Some very good gun advise was passed on i regard to chose a Revolver instead of a Semi-Automatic Pistol.
MN1 Robert Briggs USN Retired & Vietnam Veteran in TN.
Hi Robert, Glad you found it to be good advise. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Much appreciated.
Many think an AR-15 isn’t great for apartment protection. I doubt anyone would want to mess around with an AR-15 down their face.
I’d be worried about shooting through a wall and accidentally hitting my neighbor, especially with the AR
Hi Evan, That’s true, bullets can easily penetrate walls esp in apartments. Thanks for the comment.