DIY Natural Bug Sprays You Can Make this Summer

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Summertime is here, which means it’s time to open the windows, get some fresh air, and enjoy the beautiful outdoors! Unfortunately, there may be one small thing you’re dreading about summer time: bugs.

If you’re a mosquito magnet, you know how hard it can be to stay itch-free while camping, hiking, or swimming. Bugs are everywhere, and they sure love you.

If there’s nothing you want more than to enjoy the summer sun without getting bitten at every turn, this infographic could be your new best friend. It covers 5 natural bug spray recipes you can make at home to protect yourself from pesky bugs.

Why Go Natural With Bug Spray?

Commercial sprays like OFF! do a great job of keeping the bugs away, but natural sprays can work just as well to protect yourself and your family from bites! Plus, they’ll probably smell much better than a chemical spray.

If you love using natural ingredients in your home, check out these reasons why a DIY bug repellent could be perfect for you.

Chemicals Be Gone!

DEET is a common ingredient in bug repellents and sprays in the United States. This powerful chemical works well to fight off insects, but may also be less than healthy for your skin. While store-bought sprays with DEET are great for repelling bugs, a homemade spray could be a safer, natural alternative to DEET sprays.

Using essential oils, herbs, and other natural ingredients is also better for the environment! Instead of spraying all those strong chemicals into the air, freshen up your surroundings with a great-smelling essential oil spray that will keep the bugs at bay.

Sensitive-Skin Friendly

The last thing you want to do is spray powerful chemicals onto sensitive skin, especially when that skin belongs to a baby or child. Luckily, using natural ingredients could be a great way to protect your skin from pesky bugs without harming it!

Chemical bug repellents contain strong ingredients (like petroleum), but natural sprays with soothing essential oils and herbs can be safe and even healthy for your skin! Plus, many natural repellents also help to prevent allergic reactions and can soothe itchy bites. Lavender, for example, is a natural antihistamine!

Remember to dilute any essential oil before applying it to the skin, especially if you’re using it on a baby, child, or pet.

Dog Friendly

Perhaps most at risk of getting itchy and painful bug bites are our furry friends. Ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes all love your pup, but a natural repellent can help protect them from heartworm, disease and other illnesses!

Despite controversy, some essential oils can be safe for pets in small doses. However, it’s important to remember that not all are safe to use on pets. Check every label for warnings or harmful ingredients before applying to your pet and always use essential oils as directed.

To help you make the best decision for your fluff ball, be sure to look for the pet-friendly icon next to each recipe. If it’s not there, don’t use it on Spot!


Source: Reprinted with permission

Image by Chesna from Pixabay

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  1. DEET does not actually repel bugs. It makes it so they cannot smell you. And another trick I learned growing up in Michigan and dealing with deerflies in the summer is to always wear a hat. For some reason this makes it harder for the deerflies to find you.

    1. Hi Oldguy, I’ll have to remember that tip – wear a hat to reduce deerflies around you. Thanks for the comment.

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