Written by Bernie Carr
With Christmas over and the New Year almost upon us, I was trying to think if I got any prepping activities done this month. I have been busy with work, and, like everyone else, shopping for gifts, getting ready for Christmas, but that was no excuse to slack off. So I was trying to think what did I get done, and I realized that I did most of my prepping activities earlier this month:
- Took advantage of grocery sales and bought extra canned vegetables and fruit
- Bought extra dehydrated potatoes that were also on sale
- Added a large First Aid kit for the car
- Also added jackets and sweaters for the trunk of the car
- Picked up refills on prescriptions received this past year before they, and added them to the emergency stash.
- Gave survival themed gifts. I plan to post a review of a couple of the items that I received, so stay tuned for that.
Now that old year is almost over, it’s a good time to evaluate how we did and do a few quick projects before year-end.
- Review how much supplies you have stored up. How much water and food have you managed to store so far? For us, due to space issues, we have about a couple week’s worth of water, and about 10 weeks worth of food, including the refrigerator and pantry. We have a ways to go in terms of water, but we added some water storage containers and some back up water filters.
- How much equipment do you have? We checked our supply of batteries, matches, flashlights, camping stove and lanterns as well as solar chargers in case the power gets interrupted.
- Test your gear. A lot of preparedness equipment get left in the box until they are needed. An emergency is not a good time to find out that your equipment is defective. Try them out now; return and re-order if possible.
- Examine your canned food expiration dates.
- Consider the skills you’ve picked up. At Apartment Prepper, so far we’ve covered how to make bread from scratch, brew coffee without electricity, sprout seeds and make home made yogurt. We also featured basic recipes for plain white rice, and making a pot of beans. The patio garden has a few plants stir surviving , but we are getting ready to start is up again this coming year by ordering reasonably priced heritage seeds. Pick a few more skills – check out my e-book, Frugal DIY.
Create space
- De-clutter and make more space for your supplies. We are constantly trying to find space for survival supplies, so we have to keep re-evaluating our space. The end of the year is a good time to clean up. You will also want to check if any pests are around your storage areas. We are pretty vigilant about keeping pests out but notice they try to come in from the outside. In apartment buildings, whenever someone moves in or out we notice a few extra pests trying to come in.
Safety measures
- Crime is on the rise in many cities, so now is a good time to evaluate your home security. Being in the big city, we are always conscious of security issues. Make your doors and windows more secure and consider other alternatives for home security.
- Evaluate items you carry daily and consider personal security items as well.
The above is not a complete list, but should hopefully get you thinking about your own preparedness and survival activities. Don’t beat yourself up if you fall short of your own expectations; instead, give yourself a pat on the back on how much you have accomplished! Likely, you are already ahead of 70% of the population.
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Give the gift of prime:Bernie Carr is the founder of Apartment Prepper. She has written several books including the best-selling Prepper’s Pocket Guide, Jake and Miller’s Big Adventure, The Penny-Pinching Prepper and How to Prepare for Most Emergencies on a $50 a Month Budget. Bernie’s latest e-book, FRUGAL DIY has just been released on Amazon. Her work appears in sites such as the Allstate Blog and Clark.com, as well as print magazines such as Backwoods Survival Guide and Prepper Survival Guide. She has been featured in national publications such as Fox Business and Popular Mechanics. Learn more about Bernie here.

A year-end review is a great thing. With all the confusion going on in the 2020s I tried to review what exactly I faced during the year (pandemic, arsonist in the neighborhood, heat wave, major snowstorm that stopped transport for several days, family member with new disability) and look at how what I had prepped actually worked.
I found I had plenty of stuff for leaving home in an emergency but not quite enough in some areas for sheltering in place. Need to add more wood chips for the Kelly Kettle, and material to shade the patio door not just insulate it from cold. I discovered the hard way rotating stored water once a year isn’t enough flavor-wise, so that will go to every six months. Plenty of food and toiletries but not enough pet food or litter on hand for a 2+-week emergency that hit just as my monthly recurring shipment was due. I didn’t run out, but it came way closer than I’m comfortable with. I need Yak Trax and better winter boots since I’m without a car right now and our winter suddenly became decidedly Midwestern. Despite my small blanket fetish, I don’t need any more bedding unless I decide to open an inn.
Hopefully reviewing like this will mean I spend on just what I need for the coming year, have all the essentials even if a resupply doesn’t happen, and don’t end up with stuff I don’t really need cluttering up my small space.
May everyone have a safe and prosperous New Year!
Hi Mme Homebody, Sorry it took a while to post this comment, I took a break from electronics for a week, which is rare for me. You are in great shape as far as preps, we all have room for improvement. Wow you’ve had some additional challenges, including the arsonist in the neighborhood and major snowstorm! I appreciate your comments. Best wishes for 2022!