This post is by Bernie Carr,
I have to admit I was very skeptical about this latest food experiment. I can always tell by the spongy look when those free breakfast buffets at the hotel are serving powdered eggs. So when my husband suggested we try opening up an emergency can to make sure we can eat it I was very hesitant about it.

Today I finally got around to trying it. The instructions say, mix 1/4 cup of powdered egg to 1/3 cup of water. I did that.

I mixed it until the powder dissolved. The mixture looked a little thick.
So I added another 1/8 cup of water. Then it looked more like beaten egg.

Poured the mixture into a heated cast iron skillet with some butter on it.

It looked like a pancake at first. I stirred it up like normal scrambled eggs and it actually started looking pretty good. Scooped up the eggs and tried it.

The finished product actually looked pretty good. I did not add salt just in case it was pre-salted. I was right. The cooked egg did not need any salt at all, but I added some pepper. It was actually very tasty! The texture was just like fresh egg, it did not have the wet, spongy texture that I was dreading. I would not have been able to tell this was made from powdered egg.
I wonder if you can make muffins out of this? I am not sure, because it does have a bit of salt in it, but most baked goods have a pinch of salt anyway. I will have to experiment with it again. I will keep you posted!
I just performed a similar experiment with the Provident Pantry hashed browns. We could have joined forces and had breakfast together!
What do you plan to do with the rest of the can? Seal it back up somehow? Use the eggs? This is the dilemma when trying out our emergency foods.
LOL wish we were neighbors, we could’ve had good breakfast together 🙂 That is our same dilemma, since it is a huge can. I think the powdered eggs would be too messy to repackage, we are trying to use it up. But I am throwing in a couple of fresh oxygen absorbers in the can. We also have an open can of the Provident hash browns. The potatoes are pretty dry I think it would be safe to repackage the rest with oxygen absorbers in mylar bags or food sealer. I will leave some in an airtight jar for normal use and repackage the rest.
Great to know.
Emergency Essentials is just down the street from me now (like 20 minutes down the street). I still haven’t made my first “back up the truck and load up” trip yet, but hopefully soon. They have a lot of great stuff and I have new space I didn’t used to.
@Survival Woman-I was actually just looking at some opened dehydrated apples today. They actually got kind of “rehydrated” in the San Diego humidity, and are now probably drying up again in my current Utah aridity…added mylar bags and sealer to the list…
Did not know Emergency Essentials was in Utah until I saw that Doomsday Preppers show. Good for you, now you can stop by and stock up anytime. And you have space!
Any idea if powdered eggs can be used in recipes such as when called for in cake mix and such? Never tried but I’ve heard some say you can’t use it in these types of recipes.
I am going to experiment with the powdered eggs to make muffins and cakes either this weekend or next. I will keep you posted!
A former co-worker grew up in rural Alaska because his parents were teachers. At one posting they were given World War II military surplus powdered eggs to eat. This was in the late 1950s.
Let’s just say they were…terrible. But of course they ate them anyway, because it was food. I expect the state of the art has improved since then. 😛
The quality of powdered eggs has definitely improved. Must be new technology. I would not go near them before, so I’m not complaining! 🙂
I followed a recipe to make your own powdered eggs. I was told to cook them then to put them into the dehydrator then pulverize them in a blender. When I tried rehydrating and cooking them they were awful! It sure made me glad I have chickens. Then I was told that I shouldn’t have cooked them first; I was to mix them well and put the raw egg into the dehydrator. I haven’t tried it yet. Having a can or two as backup would probably be a good idea. Glad to hear they taste good.
I sure wish I could keep some chickens! The texture of the powdered egg had a filmy quality to it, so I think they were raw to begin with. The #10 can is pretty well packed, it would last a long time. I’d like to hear how your next experiment dehydrating the raw eggs turns out.