Reusing Zipper Plastic Bags

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This post is by Bernie Carr,


Part of becoming self sufficient is learning to make things last as long as possible, so you don’t have to keep buying replacements.

I like the convenience of zippered plastic bags, but don’t like the expense.  I resisted rewashing them because they took so long to dry and there is a chance for mold during our humid summers.  So I figured a way to let them air dry the quickest way possible.

Here is a photo:


  1. Wash the zipper bags with soap and water.  Rinse thoroughly.
  2. Take a carabiner and attach it to a binder clip.  Hang by the carabiner to a wire hanger, nail or metal shelf.
  3. Hang the zipper bag by one bottom edge and leave it to try.  You can hang multiple bags at once.

I’ve washed gallon, pint, sandwich sizes, all with good results.  (Do not rewash bags that have come in contact with meats.)  If you have a different way of doing this, please share in the comments.

© Apartment Prepper 2013


Emergency Essentials/BePrepared

Emergency Essentials/BePrepared

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  1. When I wash them out I like to hang them over some sort of post. This allows more air to get into the bag and they dry faster.

    1. Hi Steven, A post is a great place to dry them too, just didn’t have one at home, except for the coat rack but I think my family will object 🙂

  2. My grandma showed this.She even savd the ones that had come into contact with meat. She soaked them in very hot water with bleach to kill the germs.

    1. Hi Connie, I’m a bit paranoid about meat germs, but your grandma was right about using bleach and water to kill the germs. Thanks for sharing!

  3. We hang ours inside out to dry the insides quickly first — then turn them right side out after the inside has dried.

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