4 Essential Marine Gun Tips for an Average Apartment Dweller

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Written by Will

Guns are important in a survival situation and you shouldn’t let anyone convince you otherwise!  We need them for self-defense, hunting, and defending our base (which can just as easily be your apartment).  When SHTF, there won’t be another mean to keep safe as all sorts of trouble will head your way.  Worse, you’ll have to defend against other people who, in a need for survival, will set aside any shadow of civilization.  That’s why I think it’s important to learn how to deal with guns in your apartment, and who better to teach us but the Marines?  These guys go through hell on every mission and they know everything there is to know in terms of concealing a gun and making sure your perimeter is secured.

So, I asked the experts to share their knowledge on the matter, and below are the best four tips on how to handle guns for a survival situation when you live in an apartment.

#1: Choose your guns wisely

The guns and accessories available today for civilians are advanced, and allow even a beginner to hit the long-range target. Still, you mustn’t get caught in the fever of buying the most advanced weapons available (these are expensive).

As an apartment dweller, you should consider a gun for a close quarter combat situation.   This means either a pistol or a short barrel rifle.   If you want one for longer distances, you may want a  long-range rifle.  You need to know how to choose a gun that fits your needs and your body.

#2: Training is important

Every marine knows: it’s important to be constant with your training to improve accuracy and keep things fresh. Since not everyone has access to a shooting range, I asked Tom from googgun.com if training with an airsoft weapon would be the same.

He specified that today’s airsoft weapons are very realistic and, while there may be some small differences, a BB gun is great to keep your skills sharp.

 #3: Learn to Reload Ammo

Ammunition is one of the main problems during a crisis as it runs out fast if you don’t know how to save it; or how to reload used cartridges. The tools you need don’t occupy too much space and are easy to store in a cupboard until you need them.  (Editor’s note:  Some leases prohibit renters from having reloading equipment or supplies on the premises – check your lease before embarking on this project.)

 #4: Find Innovative Storage Places

Once you find the best gun for apartment defense, you can’t just leave it lying around the apartment (especially if you have a family). You also have to keep the guns in a place where they are easy to reach so, in case of an invasion, you won’t be caught defenseless.

For safe storage, I recommend buying a safe that can be integrated into the wall. A hidden compartment in your bed frame or night stand is also a good idea. Regardless of the storage place, make sure to keep ammo close so you’ll always be prepared to respond in case of an attack.

About the Author:

I learned about preparedness when I was in college, and ever since, I’m trying to help people who want to know how to survive a natural or a man-made disaster. I learned from the best in the branch and I always like to talk to experts in various niches that connect to survival and preparedness, to learn a bit more.



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  1. do not use an “airsoft” this is a toy. buy a good quality pellet gun( pistol or rifle). Quality pellets are still very low cost and all you need as a back stop is a thick stack of magazines. you do not have a noise or flume problem. Good pellet guns can be used for vermin control or collecting small game with out attracting attention.

  2. Completely agree with the use of Airsoft for training, now the important thing is buying the good quality ones that have full blowback and realistic actions. But I worked for a gentleman several years back who was one of the best shots I’d ever seen and he swore by them for training both the basics (sight alignment and sight picture) and for training force on force in restricted areas.

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