Fridge Items That May Last Through a Power Outage
This post is by Bernie Carr After a power outage that lasts for a few hours, many people toss out everything that was in the refrigerator. I always toss out
Read moreFamily Preparedness in a Small Space
This post is by Bernie Carr After a power outage that lasts for a few hours, many people toss out everything that was in the refrigerator. I always toss out
Read moreThis post is by Bernie Carr, Last month I mentioned my friend who got into debt – she has now put her prepping plans on hold, which is unfortunate.
Read moreThis post is by Bernie Carr, With the price of food so high these days, one of my goals is to avoid food waste, and have been finding interesting
Read moreWe often talk about having a bugout bag that includes a folder with important documents, but despite your preparations and efforts to protect them, sometimes disaster strikes quickly and unexpectedly, and those documents are lost.
Read moreWhen you first start your preparedness efforts, a common question that comes up is, should you save money or spend it on supplies?
Read moreThis post is by Bernie Carr, A local news story last week featured a local martial arts training school that started classes on taking down a mass shooter. There
Read moreThis post is by Bernie Carr, A few people I know have nearly no food stored at home. They eat out on a regular basis and therefore feel no
Read moreNow that it is mid-February, spring is not that far away. The first official day of spring is Sunday, March 20th. It is time to start thinking about the balcony garden, and ways to get started inexpensively.
Read moreWith food prices increasing almost daily, the additional expense to buy weekly groceries is cutting into other budget items. Start thinking about cutting out certain items that are not absolutely essential. This train of thought got me to start thinking what everyday items can stop buying from the store. Here are some ideas:
Read moreThis post is by Bernie Carr, I am excited to feature Prepare your Family for Survival: How to be Ready for any Emergency or Disaster Situation, a book by
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